


I endeavor to see things with an independent eye, and to create images with precision, conviction, and a point of view. I feel moved to make photographs that simultaneously entertain extreme contrasts of sentiment, subtle coincidence and planned composition. When something significant moves me, I need to respond, I need to create something that visually clarifies the path between seeing with the eyes, feeling with the heart and understanding with the mind.



Todd Carroll, a professional photographer and educator with over 25 years experience, presently maintains a photo-studio in Brooklyn, New York, where he works freelance for various international magazines and publications, as well as his personally driven projects. He obtained a Masters of Professional Studies in Digital Photography Degree from SVA in NYC in 2009 and currently works and teaches classes there. For more information, or if you are interested in purchasing work, please see contact information below. 

email:  tlcamera at gmail .com

NY, 11211